Trond Winther (43) has been hired as CEO at Proactima AS. His extensive, varied experience is the perfect fit for Proactima’s values and future initiatives.
“Trond Winther has long and highly relevant experience, and he is an adept leader and strategist with a good handle on business conditions. Proactima is enjoying a period of positive development, and by hiring Trond, we are equipping ourselves for the future. I am very happy to have Trond on the team.”
This is what Richard Heyerdahl, the Board Chairman of Proactima AS, the company he founded with Hermann Steen Wiencke in 2003.
Recently, Proactima has been winning several new, important contracts and is now increasing its revenues in all sectors. This positive development can also be attributed to the fact that certain services are being converted from oil and gas to aquaculture, while more and more clients are choosing the company’s new, competitive tools for risk management.
“I am happy to be starting in a company characterised by a competent and acknowledged professional environment, good values and great potential. I am looking forward to continuing the company’s development along with my skilled co-workers,” says Trond Winther.
“A world that is becoming more and more complex and changing ever more rapidly requires up-to-date skills and tools to manage risk and to be prepared for future challenges and opportunities,” Winther emphasises.
“Our aim is to be the best. Our most important role is to secure values, and our focus is to continue to be innovative and work together with clients to help built effective and robust solutions,” says Winther.
Trond Winther took his degree in civil engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and has worked for Shell, Deloitte AS and DNV GL AS before coming to Proactima as CEO. He has long experience from the industry, having built up considerable skills within strategy, management and commercial conditions.
The further development of the company’s services, close cooperation with clients, and the right quality for deliveries: these are at the top of Winther’s list of priorities.
By hiring Trond Winther, Proactima AS establishes itself as a future-oriented organisation that is strengthening its leadership, while also expressing an ambition to further strengthen its position as a risk advisor in selected market segments. Winther’s primary role will be ensuring the company continues to assist clients in a capable and positive manner.
The two founders of Proactima AS, Hermann Steen Wiencke and Richard Heyerdahl, shall remain in Proactima, primarily in strategic roles in relation to the company’s clients.
Trond Winther is starting as the CEO of Proactima on 1 June.
Contact persons:
- Richard Heyerdahl, Board Chairman. Mobile: (+47) 905 50 971
- Trond Winther, CEO. Mobile: (+47) 952 94 191
Fast facts about Trond Winther
- Degree in civil engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management.
- to Proactima after working as commercial oil and gas director for the open industry data platform Veracity in DNV GL AS. He has also led the division for risk advisement within oil and gas in Norway in the same company, as well as the division for operational oil and gas services.
- Winther has worked for the consulting firm Deloitte AS, where he was particularly responsible for advising related to field development in the oil and gas industry.
- Winther began his career in 1999 as a project engineer in AS Norske Shell. Up to October 2013, Winther had different management positions in Shell, both in Norway and internationally.
- Winther lives in Stavanger, is married and has two children.