• 28. November 2018


From Kenya to Norway to learn

“It has been an educational and inspiring week”, said David Ongàre and Judith Muteitsi, both from Kenya, when the week-long stay in Stavanger went towards the end. Together with ten other senior Kenyans, they have attended a course to learn more about Norwegian oil and gas activities.

The course in Stavanger was part of Norway`s commitment to providing support to countries that develop their own oil and gas activities, the so-called Oil for Development (OFD). The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway had the overall responsibility for the scheme, while Proactima was responsible for the academic program and hosted the guests.

Ongàre and Muteitsi were especially inspired by the openness and willingness to share and discuss – in addition to the professional presentations and discussions. Openness inspires them to share knowledge more widely when they come home; an important contribution to further developing the industry in Kenya. Ongàre represents the environmental authorities of the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) while Judith works in the Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services (DOSHS). In addition, representatives of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mines also participated.

Good arrangement
The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway was the principal and participated in parts of the scheme.

“The feedback shows that the scheme worked well and that the stay was useful for the twelve from Kenya. For us, this is an important activity for increasing cooperation and mutual understanding between the two countries,” says Sigvart Zachariassen in the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway.

After the stay in Stavanger, the group shared themselves; Some traveled to Bergen, some to Oslo, while others continued discussions with the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway in Stavanger.

Also Lonan Kierans, Oil and Gas sector manager in Proactima, is pleased with the commitment both from the course participants and the lecturers.

“There were five intense days of much learning for all. The professional level was high, with great dedication, good presentations and challenging discussions. Most of the time we worked with various elements of supervision method with a particular focus on drilling and development projects,” says Kierans. Both representatives of the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway and the Norwegian Environment Directorate in Oslo participated in parts of the scheme in Stavanger.

Somewhat socially, there has also been time for both ice hockey camp, visits to some famous sights in the Stavanger area and a joint dinner with the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.