Proactima pulled the longest straw in the competition for the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation’s project “Security of democratic processes in Norway”. This is part of the work on new electoral law in Norway; a work under the auspices of the government´s electoral law committee.
“We will highlight various aspects of safety in and around the electoral process,” says project manager Anne-Kari Valdal, who is inspired to work on such profound and current issues.
Proactima will assess what consequences different challenges may have for the trust in democratic processes. In addition, the company will advise on how election authorities, both nationally and locally, can best take care of this.
Not least, aspects of digitization, cyber security and threats associated with impact campaigns are high-level topics.
Proactima has offered a multidisciplinary and highly competent team, consisting of four employees in Proactima as well as four external persons.
The Electoral Committee will make proposals for new electoral law and assess changes to the electoral system. The committee has a broad mandate and consists of several researchers and professionals in various areas as well as politicians.