To menn som håndhilser.
  • 30. September 2019


Breakfast meeting

How to get early warnings about threats that can hit your business

The main conclusion in Statoil’s Amenas report was evident. The company did never anticipate that a larger armed group could attack the plant, which was considered to be one of the reasons for the lack of security measures. They are not the only company to be hit by unidentified threats.

We are living in a complex time where incidents occur fast, unexpectedly and may spread across country borders. It is therefore important to understand the society we are living in, detect risk and increase the probability for receiving early warnings of danger and danger indicators, that a security situation is about to emerge in or around your business. At what point does an alarming situation develop into a crisis? And at what time in the process do we discover the danger?

Listen to Proactima’s Kjetil Daatland speak about effective intelligence and how this may contribute to reducing the extent of unidentified threats which may hit your business. Get insight in what you as a manager may initiate in order to handle the unexpected threats and slow-moving crisis in an early stage.

Good conversations eat strategy for breakfast!

How can you develop and train a trust-based culture in order to increase engagement, collaboration and handling the unforseen?

Thomas from Fuel It, the company behind FuelBox, tells his story and elaborates about how you can train relations and build trust as a manager and colleague. In addition, we test an easy tool which develops relations and trust between people, the foundation for collaboration, learning and engagement. Trusting relations are the very basis for a great safety culture!

Proactima invites you to breakfast meetings in Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim and Oslo!

For registration, please follow the link below (no registration fee).

Bergen:               16 October Kl. 07.45 – 09.30 – Registration

Stavanger:         17 October Kl. 07.45 – 09.30 – Registration

Trondheim:        30 October Kl. 07.45 – 09.30 – Registration

Oslo:                     6 November Kl. 07.45 – 09.30 – Registration

 (The meetings will be held in Norwegian).
