Category: Customer stories

DBS signs a new framework agreement for enhanced preparedness with RAYVN/Proactima

The Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) has replaced its current provider of common emergency and crisis support tools and entered into a framework agreement with the Norwegian consortium RAYVN / Proactima to improve the collective public preparedness capability, the companies stated in a press release.

DSB’s new emergency and crisis support tools are intended to strengthen collaboration and effectively coordinate information and communication during unwanted incidents among public actors at all levels, as well as with private entities. Through DSB, directorates, county governors, civil defence districts, municipalities, and others involved in crisis management will have access to the new emergency and crisis support tools.

It is planned that DSB, municipalities, county governors, the Office of the High Commissioner for Svalbard and civil defence will have implemented the tool and established effective collaboration networks on the new digital collaboration platform starting from October 1st.

Read the full news article on DSB’s website: DSB signs framework agreement for common emergency and crisis support tools.

-We are proud and delighted that X is strengthening national preparedness through the procurement of a new digital tool with associated services. This agreement demonstrates that public emergency preparedness is evolving with renewal and a constant search for the best solutions. We look forward to delivering high-quality services that will help strengthen future public preparedness capabilities,” said co-founder and product manager Henrik von Schlanbusch at RAYVN.

RAYVN / Proactima is a wholly Norwegian consortium that stores all information in Norway and represents the best in technological solutions for crisis management systems, expertise, and capacity.

Out of nine qualified suppliers, four were invited to submit proposals, and RAYVN / Proactima scored the highest on all criteria: solution, quality, and price. The agreement includes an option for tools from Dmaze for risk and vulnerability analysis and exercise planning, as well as consultancy services.

-The public sector needs to enhance collaboration during crises. Our solution increases societal security and strengthens the preparedness capabilities of actors in this interplay. RAYVN / Proactima possesses the knowledge and tools to connect different actors on the same platform for collaboration in emergency planning, training, and management. With increased complexity, risk, and new vulnerabilities, new knowledge, methods, and tools are necessary to understand and handle risks,” said Trond Winther, CEO of Proactima.

From left to right: Carl W. Barth (SVP EMEA Sales RAYVN), Erik Skaara (Chief Business Development and Co-founder RAYVN), Henrik von Schlanbusch (Chief Product Officer and Co-founder), Trond Winther (CEO Proactima), Ivar Lunde (Head of Emergency and Crisis Management Proactima), and  Stian Hetlevik (Head of Digital Solutions Proactima).

Taking the Plunge

Sauna and ice bathing have become a popular trend in Norway. Never before have so many cold dips been documented on social media. However, this activity comes with inherent risks. Swimming, diving, jumping, boat traffic, and events in jovial company can challenge safety. We’ve taken a critical look at safety management.

Ragna Marie Fjeld from Oslo Badstueforening explains that the association started in 2016 with a group of enthusiasts who built a sauna raft using driftwood from Bjørvika.

-As interest in ice bathing grew, the association reached new heights. It’s a voluntary organization with a lot of enthusiasm and drive that has achieved a lot in a short time. One raft quickly turned into three, and there’s high activity at all of them. Various concepts and events are offered with the sauna rafts, says Fjeld.

-It’s crucial to scrutinize the management system to ensure you’re on the right track. Here, it was particularly important to focus on personal safety for both guests and staff.

Small in number, big in responsibility

With growth comes the need for safety and management. Sauna activities inherently carry risks. Oslo Sauna Association sought an impartial third party to assess their safety measures.

-It has been a pleasure to assist the Oslo Sauna Association with a critical look at their safety management, says our own diving expert and senior consultant, Hanne-Marit Berge at Proactima.

Berge adds that it was especially nice to see that the focus on safety was so pervasive, from governing documents and leadership to those out on the sauna rafts.

-The fact that they managed to implement this throughout speaks volumes about the strong culture in the association and the professionalism in their operations, says Berge.

Informal yet systematic and traceable

Hanne Marit Berge
Hanne-Marit Berge confirms the strong safety culture at Oslo Sauna Association.

Berge explains the process.

-We found an approach that suited them, while providing systematicity, structure, and traceability in what we did. We always base our work on recognized standards, relevant regulations, and legal frameworks. Here, we borrowed from the audit format and opted for a looser and more informal approach.

Relevant regulations, documentation, and interviews with selected roles such as representatives and sauna masters were conducted.

Berge further explains how a dynamic organization like the sauna association requires a dynamic approach.

-We managed to reduce formality but maintain the structure and work method to check and confirm their compliance with legal requirements. This made it more informal, which suited the dynamic nature of Oslo Sauna Association. The loose and informal approach lowered the threshold and seriousness when interviewing those involved. We engaged and involved the staff, receiving feedback on their perception of what the association does, how it’s done, and who we are, concludes Berge.

How to comply with the duty to inspect for the first time?

The oil company M Vest Energy is growing, and with growth come new regulatory requirements and responsibilities. When the company became a license partner in Draugen, Brage and Ivar Aasen, the oversight of producing fields and duty of care became a new area of responsibility for the fresh challenger. Read about the newcomer’s first inspection by Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority.

In the spring of 2023, M Vest Energy received a notice that the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) would conduct an inspection of the license follow-up on Draugen. The first time an inspection is carried out, it’s always good to have a reliable sparring partner and support behind the scenes.

-We didn’t know what PSA expected from us during such an inspection, and we needed a sparring partner with knowledge and experience. Proactima helped us with preparations before the inspection. Proactima’s skilled consultants contributed to increasing our understanding of regulatory requirements for the duty of care and what it means for follow-up in practice. In addition, Proactima conducted a review of our management system with a focus on license follow-up and provided advice on adjustments and improvements, says Åse Skålnes Strømme, KHMS and Production Manager at M Vest Energy.

Åse Skålnes Strømme, KHMS and Production Manager at M Vest Energy.

Each company is responsible for safety in its own operations. This is a fundamental principle in petroleum regulations. Operators and licensees on the Norwegian continental shelf are obligated to ensure that their activities are carried out in a safe manner and in compliance with regulations. The description of how the duty of care should be handled is covered in the company’s management system.

Sonja Tinnesand, along with others in Proactima, has been at the forefront of safety and knowledge transfer to M Vest Energy.

-We often see that companies have most of the elements in place and need assistance in systematizing and documenting that they are doing what they should. M Vest Energy has the experience and expertise needed, and we at Proactima have assisted in increasing the understanding of how their activities and work processes meet regulatory requirements, explains Sonja.

Sonja has over 25 years of experience in risk management and HSE regulations, as well as many years of experience in establishing and revising management systems.

A Growing Young Player

The oil company M Vest Energy consists of 15 employees located in Bergen. The history began with Emergy Exploration becoming a license participant on the Norwegian continental shelf in 2012, while being acquired by færøyske Atlantic Petroleum. In 2016, the company’s activities, mainly on exploration licenses and their development, and employees were acquired by Trond Mohn and Lars Moldestads company M Vest Energy.

The initial years focused on exploration, with a clear strategy: to become a full-fledged oil company with revenue from production. In 2020, the strategy was realized when the company acquired a stake in the Polarled gas pipeline. In 2022, the company acquired stakes in  BrageDraugen and Ivar Aasen.

Sonja Tinnesand has assisted M Vest Energy in ensuring confidence in their duty of care role. Sonja brings over 25 years of experience in risk management, HSE regulations, and management systems.

Security in the Duty of Care Role

A partner audit is planned for the fall, and M Vest Energy will bring experience and expertise with them, thanks to the strong support from Sonja and Proactima.

PSAs job is to challenge and test our confidence. Sonja scrutinized our operations and reviewed our management system. She gave us confidence that what we are doing is good. We are a small company, and therefore, it’s important for us to develop competence and learning within the organization. We don’t want to outsource tasks; we are committed to learning and gaining experience in line with our growth. Proactima provided us with the confidence and support we needed, says Åse.

And how did the inspection go?

-We received very positive feedback from Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA). They appreciated not only the presentation but also that we are a company working to develop our competence profile and have a clear ambition to bring value beyond the operator’s work, concludes Åse.

Heading for High Goals

What began as an entrepreneurial idea 36 years ago has now evolved into the leading specialists in Southern Norway for renting lifts and equipment for work at heights. With just 20 employees and an annual turnover of 100 million Norwegian kroner, Høyde Teknikk AS is well on its way to new heights. But how can a small organization meet significant demands?

-Our goal is to be the best in the class. This requires robust systems and insights into the risks in our own and our subcontractors’ operations. High activity demands good documentation and control systems, and with growth come more requirements and needs for efficient management, says Rune Syvertsen at Høyde Teknikk AS.

Proactima has assisted the team in Sørlandsparken with capacity and expertise in HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment), risk management, due diligence assessments, and finding a management system solution tailored to their size and needs.

Not Uncommon for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

“Our mission is to provide confidence and guidance along the way,” says Reidar Bjerke, Senior Advisor at Proactima.

-At some point, it tips: more assignments, more offices, more people to take care of, more adherence to the same procedures, more demands, and regulations. That’s when you need good tools to keep track, just like before, says Reidar Bjerke, Senior Consultant in Health and Workplace Safety at Proactima.

He leads the way in ensuring safety and knowledge transfer to Høyde Teknikk, along with colleagues Hanne-Marit Berge in risk and business management and Malena Kyvik Martens in sustainability and adaptation.

Bjerke explains that it’s not uncommon for small and medium-sized enterprises to outgrow the systems built for smaller startup businesses.

“Small and medium-sized companies often have a good gut feeling about what they should do but are unsure of how to approach it,” explains Bjerke.

Dominating the High Market for 36 Years

Rune Syvertsen in Teknikk AS is satisfied with the collaboration with Y. Photo: Høyde Teknikk AS.

Høyde Teknikk AS started small in 1987 in Southern Norway and now boasts a state-of-the-art fleet of 450 rental machines. They have expanded their rental business for lifts, telescopic handlers, and technical equipment to the regions of Western Norway and Eastern Norway. Working at heights can be risky, requiring operational reliability, personal safety, and accident prevention.

-Even though we have just as high demands as the big players, we need systems and methods that suit our size. Proactima has given us confidence that we’re ‘doing it right.’ We’ve also learned more about HSE, risk management, due diligence, and effective business management, says Syvertsen.

The collaboration with Proactima has been excellent, and they feel that their needs have been met. They have received straightforward and cost-effective solutions, according to Syvertsen. These solutions build upon what they already had and point the way for how they can continue to work on it themselves. Syvertsen adds that through the expertise and capacity provided by Proactima, Høyde Teknikk has gained both tools and knowledge to support ongoing efforts towards continuous improvement.

Successful Joint Exercise at AtB

A fire on board a hybrid diesel-electric ferry crossing Trondheimsfjord was the scenario for a crisis exercise that took place earlier in June involving AtB’s crisis management team, Trøndelag County Municipality, Trøndelag Fire and Rescue Service, the Police, and the ferry operators Fjord1, operating the Brekstad-Valset route, and Torghatten Midt, operating the Flakk-Rørvik route. Both routes cross Trondheimsfjord.

On behalf of AtB, Proactima led the planning, execution, and evaluation of the exercise.

-The exercise aimed to strengthen role understanding and ensure that all involved parties share the same risk assessment and understand how to handle it best. Since January, Proactima has provided invaluable assistance to AtB in planning and conducting the exercise and has been a significant factor in its success, said Knut Espen Øyan, Traffic and Emergency Preparedness Section Manager at AtB.

AtB is Trøndelags mobility company with 20 ferry/fast boat connections and 835 buses operating 4200 daily departures. In 2022, there were 45 million passengers with AtB.

Fra venstre: Øvingsleder Jo Tidemann fra Proactima, Grete Opsal Direktør marked og kommunikasjon, Trine Sørensen Direktør økonomi og virksomhetsstyring og Grete Fuglem Tennås Administrerende direktør

Ferry Fire

The exercise scenario involved a fire on board a hybrid diesel-electric ferry that eventually escalated into a fire in the battery room.

The exercise was conducted as a discussion where the scenario was reviewed phase by phase, and the various participants informed each other about how to alert, mobilize, and handle the situation. Along the way, misunderstandings were clarified, ambiguities noted, and participants gained a much better understanding of what other agencies do and what is expected of themselves.

The purpose of the exercise was to achieve a common understanding of needs, strengths, and weaknesses related to collaboration during an emergency situation, as well as to enhance participants’ ability to handle an emergency situation collectively, including:

  • Increased common situational awareness
  • Strengthened understanding of one’s own and others’ roles, mandates, and tasks
  • Achieve better effectiveness of measures

Learning and Mastery

The Proactima team consisted of Jo Tidemann and Erik Wale.

-We conduct exercises like this to enhance the effectiveness of emergency preparedness. By talking to each other, strengths and weaknesses are revealed. This makes each organization more confident, and collaboration in handling serious situations improves. A sense of progress and mastery helps reinforce and improve the speed of learning, explained Jo Tidemann, one of Proactima’s leading emergency preparedness experts.

Proactima has extensive experience with various forms of training/exercises, ranging from simple discussion exercises (tabletop, reflection exercises) and training for individuals/special functions, through input exercises, staff exercises, alertness exercises, to full-scale exercises with real actors for interaction and sparring at all levels of the emergency preparedness organization.

A satisfied team despite a serious scenario. From left: exercise leader Jo Tidemann from Proactima, Director of Marketing and Communications Trine Sørensen, Director of Finance and Business Control Trine Sørensen, and CEO Grete Fuglem Tennås at AtB.

Security advisory agreement with the Norwegian Parliament

Proactima has entered into an agreement with the Norwegian Parliament to assist with security counselling.

“This is a very important agreement for us”, says CEO Trond Winther in Proactima. “We appreciate very much the confidence given to us by the Parliament, by assigning this framework agreement to Proactima”.

The framework agreement includes assessments and analyses, investigation of measures and implementation within the areas which is covered by the Security Act and the security area. This includes personnel security, information security, internal audits, value assessment, risk assessment and security risk assessments.

Proactima has received this agreement together with our partner for many years, the Aeger Group, which is subcontracted to Proactima in this assignment. The agreement has a duration of two years with options for extension.

Proactima is assisting in developing a hydrogen-powered high-speed vessel for the Port of Narvik

The Port of Narvik in northern Norway needs a new workboat which should be both fast and emissions-free. Proactima together with eight project partners, are now seeking public funding to build one of the world’s first hydrogen-powered, high-speed vessels.

The boat will be equipped with hydrogen fuel cells from TECO 2030,which will be leading the project, and will be built by the shipyard Grovfjord Mekaniske Verksted (GMV), located near Narvik.

When completed, the boat will replace one of the port’s diesel vessels. As a result, the Port of Narvik will be able to reduce both its diesel consumption and its CO2 emissions significantly.

“This is an exciting project for us”, says CEO Trond Winther in Proactima. “Hydrogen will be key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the maritime industry and we are pleased to be able to contribute. In the project Proactima will be responsible for risk assessments and analyses to ensure that it will be safe to use”, underlines Trond Winther.

The boat is planned to be completed in 2023. The Port of Narvik will mainly use it for keeping an overview of the port and the activities there, for emergency preparedness, and for teaching and training of crews.

The Port of Narvik aims to get the boat classified as a long-range, high-speed passenger vessel, and the plan is that it should be able to keep a pace of 23 knots.   

Green transition in the maritime industry

Norway aims to reduce emissions from domestic shipping by at least 50% by 2030, compared with 1990. This target should be reached through a stronger focus on the development of low- and zero-emission solutions, and by setting emission requirements for ships operating on Norwegian fjords. 

Norway plans to introduce requirements for low- and zero-emission solutions in public tenders to speed up the green transition in the maritime industry.

Moreover, from 2026 only zero-emission cruise ships and ferries will be allowed entry into the Norwegian world heritage fjords.  

Ships operating in Norwegian waters will therefore have to reduce their emissions and become more climate-friendly.

The vessel’s fuel cells will be produced in Narvik

The fuel cells that will ensure the boat’s propulsion will be produced at the TECO 2030 Innovation Center in Narvik and will enable it to operate emissions-free.

In addition to Proactima, the following organisations will participate in the project: The maritime engineering company BLOM Maritime, the hydrogen supplier Everfuel, the consultancy KUPA, and the company Norinnova Narvik, which specialises in commercialising research results, are also partners in the project.

BLOM Maritime will provide technical assistance to Grovfjord Mekaniske Verksted during the building of the boat.

Knowledge dissemination will be an important part of the project, and KUPA will focus on disseminating the knowledge about hydrogen boats that will be developed during the boat’s building and testing phase. KUPA is leading a maritime technology cluster in Norway and will pass on lessons learned in the project to its members. 

Hydrogen filling station for ships and road transport

The hydrogen boat will become Narvik’s first hydrogen consumer and will need to be refuelled on a regular basis. The project therefore also involves the establishment of a hydrogen filling station.

Everfuel will seek to develop this filling station. The company is currently working to establish hydrogen filling stations for trucks, buses and other heavy-duty transport all across Norway.

Other users of the port will also be able to use the planned filling station in Narvik. About 500 trucks drive through the city every day, and the filling station will therefore not solely be intended to cater for sea traffic.

The goal is that it will become the world’s first hydrogen filling station that can serve both ships and road traffic, and that its establishment will make it possible for more companies and people in the region to switch to climate-friendly hydrogen.

Everfuel will now, together with UiT and Norinnova Narvik, work to find possible new hydrogen users within the municipality and county municipality, such as buses, waste collection vehicles and taxis.   

In addition, UiT Narvik will participate in the project as a research partner, with the aim of gaining expertise in maritime hydrogen systems. This will ensure that they can provide education that will enable their students to become valuable potential, future employees of the partners in the project.

Proactima has signed a new frame agreement with Skanska

Proactima has signed a new frame agreement with the construction company Skanska.

“We appreciate very much this agreement with Skanska”, says Trond Winther, CEO in Proactima. “We have worked for Skanska during the last six years and are very proud to receive renewed confidence. Proactima has previously worked with occupational health issues for the company and is very pleased the assignment now has been expanded to include several other services. This gives us a good foundation for further improvement and development of our services”.

“Skanska is an exiting company which is focusing on the environment and sustainable solutions. In Proactima these are also highly important issues which we will focus extensively in the times to come. We therefore believe we can be a good contributor to Skanska’s ‘green’ construction focus”, says Winther.

The frame agreement with Skanska has a duration of three years and includes among others:

Health and working environment
Emergency preparedness and training


HSE counselling – risk and analysis

Revisions, auditing, and supervision

Management systems

“We are a large business in a demanding industry where critical risks are handled continuously and on a daily basis, in every of our at all times approximately 150 projects” underlines Peer Chr. Anderssen, HSSQ director in Skanska Norge. «To us it is important to have a well-established partner with key competence and capacity where we have limited resources. The frame agreement with Proactima reflects the differences in our challenges and the broadness of Proactima’s competence”.

«Proactima has a long and extensive experience with these competence areas with deliveries to several sectors and important community companies in Norway”, underlines Bror Johan Tørneng Wik, head of Health and Working Environment in Proactima. “We also have experience from other construction industry assignments”.

We look forward to a continued cooperation with Skanska!

Assisting Repsol in the integration process with Maersk Drilling

Proactima has entered into an agreement to assist Repsol Norge AS taking over the day-to-day operations of the jack-up rig Mærsk Inspirer from Maersk Drilling on the Yme field.

In the integration process between Repsol and Maersk Drilling, Proactima will provide Project Management Services, (PMO), acknowledgement of compliance (AoC) and operation management systems. The work will involve following up most of the work streams in the integration process.

“Proactima has assisted several larger oil companies on the Norwegian continental shelf in significant merger processes during the last years, among others Okea and DNO”, says Trond Winther, CEO in Proactima. “We have gained extensive competence related to this type of services within integration management and has developed an effective team and some useful tools which covers many specific competence disciplines related to acquisitions, mergers and integration processes, both in and between different companies”, says Winther.

Proactima applies its recognized operation model for company integrations. The same model has been used in connection with several other integration projects in which Proactima has participated.

From Proactima Thor Schjetne, Thomas Tepstad Berge, Anders Jensen and Richard Heyerdahl have participated in the Repsol project team. Read moor about the take over process on