Proactive Methodology in Crisis and Emergency Response Management

Experience from crises and emergency incidents shows that the damage, suffering and consequences are often unnecessarily high because crisis management was initiated too late with insufficient resources. Proactive methodology ensures a systematic exercise of crisis and emergency management that optimizes decision-making and streamlines crisis management. For over 20 years, Proactima has been the leading provider of proactive methodology, which is the preferred method for practicing crisis and emergency management in Norway, both in the public and private sectors in most sectors.
The method uses a potential-based approach, which means that crisis and emergency management increases the effect of its own decisions, uses more accurate decision-making systems, and avoids known operational decision traps.
The method promotes communication, collaboration and utilization of available expertise, and ensures that everyone involved has the same situational awareness and works in a coordinated way towards common goals.
The method can be used at all levels of an organization, tactically, operationally and strategically, and can be utilized by incident commanders and operations managers or equivalent, as well as executive management.
Proactima employees have played a key role in the further development of the method for use nationally and internationally, and have also written the only Norwegian textbook on the method; “Praktisk krise- og beredskapsledelse”, Universitetsforlaget, 2014/2019.
The introduction of a crisis and emergency management method significantly increases the organization’s preparedness capability at all levels in a short time, and the method can be used in all organizations and together with all known crisis management tools and systems.
Proactima provides consultancy, training and exercises in the use of proactive methodology to all levels of the organization, and has long and extensive experience from most sectors. We also assist in the development of effective contingency plans that are optimally adapted to the use of methods.
The basic principles of the method
Proactive methodology ensures that the organization, as early as possible in the development of the situation, proactively implements actions and measures that prevent a negative escalation or reduce the consequences of the incident that has occurred. By understanding the damage potential of the incident as early as possible, and responding to the damage potential for exposed or threatened assets and not only to available information, the organization significantly increases its ability to influence the development of the situation in the desired way. The organization strengthens its ability to proactively influence the development of the situation, and not just reactively respond to and be guided by the development of the incident.
Proactive methodology in Norway
In Norway, the high-risk industry has been at the forefront when it comes to systematically establishing preparedness capabilities and practicing methodical crisis and emergency management. As early as the 1980s, proactive staff methodology has been a leader in the oil and gas industry. Further development of the method and experience from successful and long-term utilization of this has been valuable for the transfer of proactive staff methodology to the emergency services, other sectors and industries.
This is how we make a difference:
- Education, training and practice in the use of proactive methods
- Development of contingency plans adapted to proactive methods
Contact us for a chat.
(+47) 988 04 112