• 7. November 2018


Lectures for UiS students

Two representatives of Proactima today held lectures on risk management for students at the University of Stavanger (UiS). The 10 credits program is part of the continuing education program offered by UiS. Risk management is one of several subjects included in the master’s degree.

“For us, this is a good opportunity to spread our knowledge of the subject and share our experiences. At the same time, we get a dialogue about the challenges and experiences from different types of businesses, which is developing for us,” says Richard Heyerdahl, who spoke of Risk Management related to preparation and maintenance of the management system.

Jan Eirik Gjerdevik lectured on issues regarding communication and reputation risk.

Earlier this year, Hermann Steen Wiencke and Willy Røed (both at Proactima) also lectured for the same group of students.

Lectures are part of a contract between UiS and Proactima. Risk management courses are held each semester.


From the left: Kenneth Bore, Cecilie Fleming, Richard Heyerdahl, Magnus Ågren og  Tommy Hansen.