Bilde av plattform
  • 14. June 2021

Customer stories

Assisting Repsol in the integration process with Maersk Drilling

Proactima has entered into an agreement to assist Repsol Norge AS taking over the day-to-day operations of the jack-up rig Mærsk Inspirer from Maersk Drilling on the Yme field.

In the integration process between Repsol and Maersk Drilling, Proactima will provide Project Management Services, (PMO), acknowledgement of compliance (AoC) and operation management systems. The work will involve following up most of the work streams in the integration process.

“Proactima has assisted several larger oil companies on the Norwegian continental shelf in significant merger processes during the last years, among others Okea and DNO”, says Trond Winther, CEO in Proactima. “We have gained extensive competence related to this type of services within integration management and has developed an effective team and some useful tools which covers many specific competence disciplines related to acquisitions, mergers and integration processes, both in and between different companies”, says Winther.

Proactima applies its recognized operation model for company integrations. The same model has been used in connection with several other integration projects in which Proactima has participated.

From Proactima Thor Schjetne, Thomas Tepstad Berge, Anders Jensen and Richard Heyerdahl have participated in the Repsol project team. Read moor about the take over process on