Public sector
The Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) has replaced its current provider of common emergency and crisis support tools and entered into a framework agreement with the Norwegian consortium RAYVN / Proactima to improve the collective public preparedness capability, the companies stated in a press release.
DSB’s new emergency and crisis support tools are intended to strengthen collaboration and effectively coordinate information and communication during unwanted incidents among public actors at all levels, as well as with private entities. Through DSB, directorates, county governors, civil defence districts, municipalities, and others involved in crisis management will have access to the new emergency and crisis support tools.
It is planned that DSB, municipalities, county governors, the Office of the High Commissioner for Svalbard and civil defence will have implemented the tool and established effective collaboration networks on the new digital collaboration platform starting from October 1st.
Read the full news article on DSB’s website: DSB signs framework agreement for common emergency and crisis support tools.
-We are proud and delighted that X is strengthening national preparedness through the procurement of a new digital tool with associated services. This agreement demonstrates that public emergency preparedness is evolving with renewal and a constant search for the best solutions. We look forward to delivering high-quality services that will help strengthen future public preparedness capabilities,” said co-founder and product manager Henrik von Schlanbusch at RAYVN.
RAYVN / Proactima is a wholly Norwegian consortium that stores all information in Norway and represents the best in technological solutions for crisis management systems, expertise, and capacity.
Out of nine qualified suppliers, four were invited to submit proposals, and RAYVN / Proactima scored the highest on all criteria: solution, quality, and price. The agreement includes an option for tools from Dmaze for risk and vulnerability analysis and exercise planning, as well as consultancy services.
-The public sector needs to enhance collaboration during crises. Our solution increases societal security and strengthens the preparedness capabilities of actors in this interplay. RAYVN / Proactima possesses the knowledge and tools to connect different actors on the same platform for collaboration in emergency planning, training, and management. With increased complexity, risk, and new vulnerabilities, new knowledge, methods, and tools are necessary to understand and handle risks,” said Trond Winther, CEO of Proactima.
From left to right: Carl W. Barth (SVP EMEA Sales RAYVN), Erik Skaara (Chief Business Development and Co-founder RAYVN), Henrik von Schlanbusch (Chief Product Officer and Co-founder), Trond Winther (CEO Proactima), Ivar Lunde (Head of Emergency and Crisis Management Proactima), and Stian Hetlevik (Head of Digital Solutions Proactima).