• 9. November 2023


Heading for High Goals

What began as an entrepreneurial idea 36 years ago has now evolved into the leading specialists in Southern Norway for renting lifts and equipment for work at heights. With just 20 employees and an annual turnover of 100 million Norwegian kroner, Høyde Teknikk AS is well on its way to new heights. But how can a small organization meet significant demands?

-Our goal is to be the best in the class. This requires robust systems and insights into the risks in our own and our subcontractors’ operations. High activity demands good documentation and control systems, and with growth come more requirements and needs for efficient management, says Rune Syvertsen at Høyde Teknikk AS.

Proactima has assisted the team in Sørlandsparken with capacity and expertise in HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment), risk management, due diligence assessments, and finding a management system solution tailored to their size and needs.

Not Uncommon for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

“Our mission is to provide confidence and guidance along the way,” says Reidar Bjerke, Senior Advisor at Proactima.

-At some point, it tips: more assignments, more offices, more people to take care of, more adherence to the same procedures, more demands, and regulations. That’s when you need good tools to keep track, just like before, says Reidar Bjerke, Senior Consultant in Health and Workplace Safety at Proactima.

He leads the way in ensuring safety and knowledge transfer to Høyde Teknikk, along with colleagues Hanne-Marit Berge in risk and business management and Malena Kyvik Martens in sustainability and adaptation.

Bjerke explains that it’s not uncommon for small and medium-sized enterprises to outgrow the systems built for smaller startup businesses.

“Small and medium-sized companies often have a good gut feeling about what they should do but are unsure of how to approach it,” explains Bjerke.

Dominating the High Market for 36 Years

Rune Syvertsen in Teknikk AS is satisfied with the collaboration with Y. Photo: Høyde Teknikk AS.

Høyde Teknikk AS started small in 1987 in Southern Norway and now boasts a state-of-the-art fleet of 450 rental machines. They have expanded their rental business for lifts, telescopic handlers, and technical equipment to the regions of Western Norway and Eastern Norway. Working at heights can be risky, requiring operational reliability, personal safety, and accident prevention.

-Even though we have just as high demands as the big players, we need systems and methods that suit our size. Proactima has given us confidence that we’re ‘doing it right.’ We’ve also learned more about HSE, risk management, due diligence, and effective business management, says Syvertsen.

The collaboration with Proactima has been excellent, and they feel that their needs have been met. They have received straightforward and cost-effective solutions, according to Syvertsen. These solutions build upon what they already had and point the way for how they can continue to work on it themselves. Syvertsen adds that through the expertise and capacity provided by Proactima, Høyde Teknikk has gained both tools and knowledge to support ongoing efforts towards continuous improvement.