Find the right person to answer your question.
Hvis du lurer på noe kan du ringe oss, sende oss en e-post eller bruke kontaktskjemaet.
E-faktura: faktura@proactima.com
Organisasjonsnummer: 915641938
Consultant Health and working environment
(+47) 984 52 361
Consultant Business management
(+47) 907 83 196
Consultant Risk management and Sustainability
(+47) 404 05 433
Consultant Business management
(+47) 942 93 829
Consultant Health and working environment
(+47) 938 78 542
Consultant Preparedness and Security
(+47) 913 57 771
Consultant Business management
(+47) 915 28 903
Consultant Operational and technical safety
(+47) 926 02 520
Consultant risk analysis
(+47) 957 34 291
Consultant Health and working environment
(+47) 915 57 415
Consultant risk analysis
(+47) 911 26 768
Section leader PPS
(+47) 934 26 910
If you have any questions, please call us, send us an e-mail or use our contact form.
E-invoice: faktura@proactima.com
Organization number: 915641938